17th October 2020 – Pre-Kick-off Meeting within the ErasmusDays
Link to the event invitation: https://www.kaznpu.kz/ru/3131/notice/
Link to news information: https://www.kaznpu.kz/ru/13061/news/
Three days from 15 to 17 October, 2020 were dedicated to the # ERASMUSDAYS celebrations in Europe and beyond. These days, many countries offer a huge variety of events during the #ErasmusDays. As one of the participants of the Erasmus + program, Abai KazNPU and M. Auezov SKSU organized an international online webinar "Introduction meeting of the KAZDUAL project partners"
The organizers of the webinar and the main leading events are Bayan Sapargalieva, head of department, project coordinator from Abai KazNPU, Aigul Iskakova - Auezov SKU Vice-rector for strategic development and internationalization, project coordinator, Laura Khassenova - Auezov SKU Director of the Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility, the contact person of the project held the first online meeting. According to the results of the 6th Competition for the component "Capacity Building in Higher Education" (CBHE) of the Erasmus + program, by the decision of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission, project 618835-EPP-1-2020-1-KZ-EPPKA2-CBHE was selected for funding -SP KAZDUAL "Implementation of the Dual System in Kazakhstan", within the framework of which the goal of introducing a dual system will be implemented to increase the competence of students in accordance with the needs of employers, increase the employment of graduates and cooperation with the private sector.
The online webinar was attended by 30 representatives of universities in Europe and Kazakhstan participating in the project, as well as guests, representatives of universities and organizations. During the webinar, all presentations of universities and colleges participating in the Consortium were listened to, the upcoming tasks for 2021 were outlined.
All project participants are announced as speakers of the event: Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg (Germany), Tallinn University of Applied Sciences (Estonia), Pedagogical University of Instburg (Austria), Accreditation Agency ACQUIN, CEENQA International Network, Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, Ministry Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University (project grant holder), Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, M. E. Buketov Karaganda University, Shakarim Semei University, Karaganda Higher Polytechnic College, Electrotechnical College in Semei and the Association of Trade and Industrial Enterprises.