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Ayman Ezhenkhanovna Berikhanova


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Research Professor of KazNPU named after Abai.

Corresponding member of IANP (Moscow, Russia); Corresponding member of the International Academy CONCORD (Paris, France); Certified trainer of NIS (CPM) / MESC (International Examination Council of Cambridge); 2014 No. TCL-0002. Received higher education at the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical University with a degree in "Teacher of Mathematics, with an additional specialty of Physics" in 1990. Author of about 250 scientific papers in various scientific journals in Kazakhstan and abroad, including:

1) 3 monographs (2 - under personal authorship, 1 - in co-authorship);

2) 3 textbooks "Pedagogy" in Kazakh and Russian (2005; 2017);

3) 20 educational, teaching aids;

4) 2 electronic textbooks; 2 digital educational resources;

5) in the Scopus database - 6 articles

6) in the Thomson Reuters database -3 articles.

7) 7 copyright certificates for scientific publications.

8) a MOOC training course on Pedagogy in the Kazakh language was developed jointly. YouTube channel. 2021

9) International MOOC course "Sofiaonline". (Lithuania, Russia, Estonia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, etc.) for parents, psychologists and teachers. Works as a research professor at the Department of Pedagogy, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of KazNPU named after Abay.

Has experience as:

1. The developer of standard programs in pedagogical disciplines for undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies.

2. Member of the Republican Coordinating Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the issues of national education of student youth (2010).

3. Member of the commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on state certification of universities implementing educational programs of higher and postgraduate education (2012-2014)

4. Expert of the independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (KQAAQ). 2014-2016

5. Chairman of the expert commission for the examination of educational publications for secondary schools of the Republican Research Center "Textbook" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (2016,2018-2020).

6. Member of the Coordinating Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the problems of modernization of teacher education. (2017)

7. Temporary member of the Dissertation Council in the direction of personnel training 8D011 - "Pedagogy and psychology", 8D018 - "Training of specialists in social pedagogy and self-knowledge": specialties 8D01103 / 6D010300 - "Pedagogy and psychology", 8D01823 / 6D012300 - "Social pedagogy and self-knowledge » Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov.2022

He has extensive experience in participating in International and Republican projects:

1) Int. scientific project U.S.-Kazakhstan University Partnerships Grants Program. (USA, California), “Evidence-based teacher training and organizational culture.” Order No. 113-zh.05.02.2021

2) International scientific project of the Erasmus + PPHE KazDUAL Program (Implementation of the Dual System in Kazakhstan). Order No. 115-zh / қ. 08.02.2021

3) Int. research project "Leading Schools for Educational Innovation and Change - Kazakhstan", Project advisor, 01/07/2022 and 31/12/2023 German Research Foundation (DFG) grant number 451458391 Luneburg, Germany, Leuphana University of Luneburg, 16/11/2022

4) International scientific project Book Project "The reform of teacher education in the post-Soviet space: a comparative analysis of 15 independent countries", Routledge Oxford, (UK). 2021-2023 "Scientific foundations for the modernization of the education and science system" 2021-2023. TVE IRN: OR11465474-OT-21

2) Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Theory and technology for the development of research activity of university teachers based on the integration into practice of informal forms of research as ActionResearch” IRN: AP14872311, 2022-2024. Project Manager.

3) "Scientific and practical ways to implement the education of a conscious generation in schools (Mektepterdesanalyұrpaқtаrbieleudіғylymi-practikalyқturgydanіskeasyruzholdary)". APN of Kazakhstan, Agreement No. 6-11 / APN dated June 16, 2021.

4) Republican project (with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) "Happy Family" based on the Institute of Family Education, 2019-2021. Astana, Kazakhstan.

He is the leader of scientific and methodological seminars, conducts trainings on Action Research, collaborative training, interactive teaching methods, etc.

Expert of the dual system of pedagogical higher education in Kazakhstan.

+7 (707) 350-55-30
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