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 Ospanova Didar Asylovna

Bachelor's degree (2002), specialty: Physics, qualification: Physicist. Teacher (2002).

Master of Physics (2004), specialty: Physics, qualification: Master of Physics (2004).

Postgraduate study (2006), specialty: 01.04.14.-Thermophysics and theoretical heat engineering.

PhD doctorate (2022), OP 8D05303 - Thermophysics and theoretical heat engineering.

Author of scientific papers in various scientific journals in Kazakhstan and abroad and educational and methodological works - more than 130, of which: in journals based on Scopus - 5; in journals based on Clarivate Analytics – 5; in publications recommended by COXON MES RK – 35; in publications hosted in the RSCI database, including journals from the list of the WAC, – 35.

1st year doctoral student studying under the educational program 8D05303 - Thermal Physics and Theoretical Thermal Engineering of the Department of Engineering Thermal Physics named after Professor Zh.S.Akylbayev, Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketov.

Part-time senior lecturer of the Department of Engineering Thermophysics named after Professor Zh.S.Akylbayev, Faculty of Physics and Technology, Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketov.

I am negotiating with industrial enterprises in the field of thermal power engineering and environmental protection. I conduct office work with employers in connection with daily work.

He has extensive experience in participating in ERASMUS+ projects, implementing joint international educational and research projects, organizing conferences, forums, seminars, master classes, trainings and training courses.

+7 (707) 350-55-30
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