Moldiyarova Aisulu Ginayatovna
Education: Higher education: 1993, Kazakh Institute of Consumer Cooperation, Karaganda, specialty "Accounting, control and analysis of economic activity", qualification economist-accountant
2014 - Journal "Pedagogical messanger", article "Organization of industrial training in college"
2019 - Publication on the website "Infourok", intellectual game "Economy around us", certificate No. ОЖ 38626058
2020 - Publication on the website "Infourok", report "Planning of innovative pedagogical activity", certificate No. OM 27699344
2022 - Publication on the website "Infourok", report "Improving the economic literacy of young people", certificate No. SHA 126504588
2022 - Publication on the website "Infourok", publication "Motivation and stimulation in personnel management", certificate No. FE 16404740
2022 - Publication on the republican scientific and methodological website "Ustaz tilegi", article "Moduldik okytudyn tekhnologisy"
Place of work: Electrotechnical college, Semey, Abai region
Position: Deputy Director for training and production work
Work experience in projects
- 2014-2016 - implementation of the project "Modernization of TVE", 1st and 2nd stage, aimed at updating the material and technical base, advanced training of engineering and teaching staff of the TVE system and the creation of resource training centers
- Since 2017 - cooperation with the German Society for International Cooperation "Gezelschaftliche fur internationale zusammenarbeit" on involvement experts to exchange experience and provide methodological assistance
- Implementation of the Zhas Maman project for TVE organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, aimed at updating the material and technical base and increasing the prestige of working professions. Within the framework of the project, Competence Centers were created on the basis of 180 colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Since 2016 participation in the championship of working professions WorldSkills on the republican and international level
- 2020 - Participation in the international project of the European Education Foundation to establish an international network of Centers of Excellence in Vocational Education and Training
- Development of an experimental working curriculum for technical and vocational education in the specialty "Mechanical processing, instrumentation and automation in industry" within the framework of the Kazakh-German project GEKAVOC
- Participation in "Implementation of dual system in Kazakhstan/KAZDUAL" project, development of a curriculum for the specialty "Power supply (by industry)".