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Kem Marina Vladimorovna

     Kem Marina Vladimorovna

  • Education

 higher, 1989 Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute named after N.K. Krupskaya

  • Specialty: Russian language and literature. Qualification: teacher of Russian language and literature
  • Place of work: Electrotechnical college, Semey, Abai region
  • Position: Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
  • Pedagogical experience: 32 years, (31 years in Electrotechnical college)
  • Qualification category of the teacher: the highest, awarded in 2005

The highest qualification category of a teacher of Russian language and literature was confirmed in 2010, 2015, 2020

  • Qualification category of the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs: the first, assigned in 2021
  • Experience: since 1990 - teacher of Russian language and literature.
  • From 2001 to 2013 - Chairman of the city methodological association of teachers of the Russian language and literature of colleges in Semey.
  • Since 2012 - Deputy Director for scientific and methodological work of the "Electrotechnical College".

•    Since 2012 - Deputy Director for scientific and methodological work of the "Electrotechnical College".

•    From 2013 to 2014 - chairman of the city methodological association of heads of methodological offices.

•    Since 2014 - Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the "Electrotechnical College".

•    From 2016 to 2020 - Chairman of the Regional Methodological Association of Deputy Directors for Academic Affairs.


  • 2006  - an article in the scientific and methodological journal "Professional of Kazakhstan" No. 8 "Forms of work on the implementation of the problematic methodological theme of the college";
  • 2007 -  an article in the Republican pedagogical journal "Extracurricular work at school" No. 4 "Vladimir, or an interrupted flight" (based on the work of V.S. Vysotsky);
  • 2008  – an article in the Republican Pedagogical and Methodological Journal of Teachers of Kazakhstan "Practical Assistance to the Teacher" No. 1 "So it was on earth" (based on the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky "By the Right of Memory";
  • 2010 – an article in the Republican pedagogical magazine "Education of a schoolchild" No. 6 "Words of edification" Abai is a school for educating the younger generation
  • 2011 – an article in the newspaper "Spectr" No. 6 (734) dated February 9, 2011 "In creative search"; article in the newspaper "Semey Vesti" No. 91 (552) dated December 16, 2011 "We are raising personnel for the country."
  • 2012 – an article in the Republican journal of the thematic direction "Educational Resources": "Handbook of the head of an educational institution" No. 4 "Analysis of the effectiveness of methodological work"
  • 2013 – an article in "Semey vesti" No. 25 (685) newspaper,  dated March 26, 2013 "Course on innovative pedagogy"
  • 2013 - article in the Republican magazine of the thematic direction "Educational Resources": "Handbook of the head of an educational institution" No. 7 "Adaptation of novice teachers"
  • 2014 – an article in the Republican journal of the thematic direction "Educational Resources": "Methodist of the organization of education" Pilot issue "Methodological service of TVE"
  • 2014  - an article in the Republican magazine of the thematic direction "Education Resources": "Handbook of the class teacher" No. 3 "Literary and musical composition" There was a war "
  • 2014 – an article in the Republican magazine of the thematic direction "Education Resources": "Handbook of the class teacher" No. 8 "Literary and musical evening" How beautiful the earth and the person on it ... (according to the work of S.A. Yesenin) "
  • 2015 – an article in the Republican journal of the thematic direction "Educational Resources": "Handbook of the head of an educational institution" No. 11 "Education quality management"
  • 2016 -  an article in the Republican journal of the thematic direction "Educational Resources": "Methodist of the organization of education" No. 2 "Increasing and confirming qualification categories"
  • 2016 -  an article in Republican magazine of the thematic direction "Educational Resources": "Methodist of the organization of education" No. 4 "The work of the college under the program" Gifted "
  • 2016 – an article in the Republican journal of the thematic direction "Educational Resources": "Methodist of the organization of education" No. 7 "Analysis and diagnostics of methodological work"
  • 2016 – an article in the Republican journal of the thematic direction "Educational Resources": "Methodist of the organization of education" No. 9 "Organization of competitions of professional and pedagogical skills"
  • 2017 – an article in the Republican journal of the thematic direction "Educational Resources": "Methodist of the organization of education" No. 1 "Cyclogram of the organization of methodological work"
  • 2017 – an article in the Republican journal of the thematic direction "Educational Resources": "Methodist of the organization of education" No. 2 "Forms and methods of intra-college control"
  • 2017 -  an article in the Republican journal of the thematic direction "Educational Resources": "Methodist of the organization of education" No. 3 "Possibilities of computer technologies in teaching literature"
  • 2017 – an article in the Republican journal of the thematic direction "Educational Resources": "Methodist of the organization of education" No. 6 "Generalization of pedagogical experience"
  • 2017 -  an article in the Republican magazine of the thematic direction "Educational Resources": "Handbook of the head of an educational institution" No. 9 "Organization of the educational process in TVET"
  • 2017 -  an article in the Republican journal of the thematic direction "Educational Resources": "Methodist of the organization of education" No. 10 "Formation of a competitive specialist"
  • 2020 - Publication in the Republican Pedagogical Journal "OQU ZAMAN" of the essay "My Pedagogical Destiny" - Publication in the Republican Scientific and Methodological, Pedagogical Journal "QAZAQ BILIMI" of the methodological development of an extracurricular event - a literary drawing room "The love story of Serova-Simonov:" With you and without you "
  • 2021 - Article "Organization and conduct of intra-college control as an indicator of the quality of the educational process" (from work experience) - Publication in the collection with the assignment of the code ISBN 978-601-7533-07-2

As part of the implementation of the ERASMUS + Project "Implementation of a dual system in Kazakhstan / KAZDUAL", responsible person for pilot accreditation in "Electrotechnical College".


+7 (707) 350-55-30
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