Sabirova Dina Altaevna in 2005 graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University with a degree in "0309 - Russian Language and Literature". In 2007, she mastered the master's program in the specialty "6N0205 - Philology" at the same university.
In 2016, she entered the doctoral program and successfully completed it in 2016.
He has more than 100 scientific publications, including: 7 articles with an impact factor in the scientific database "Scopus", is the author of school textbooks on "Russian Literature" for grade 11.
Sabirova D.A. also was a co-executor of republican and international scientific projects: № АР05133358 “Kazakh media in the context of globalization and their impact on the modernization of public consciousness (linguistic aspect). (MONRK 2018-2020); "Japan in World Literature: Literary Education in Post-Soviet Countries" for 2015-2016. (Japan); "Research on the formation of reading skills of primary school students and the factors that determine it" (Russia) (2019-2021); Erasmus+ 618835-EPP-1-2020-1-KZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP KAZDUAL "Implementation of the Dual System in Kazakhstan" (2021-2023).
She successfully passes scientific internships in leading foreign universities: Slupsk, Poland (2014); Tokyo, Japan (2015) ; Xian, China (2017), Moscow, Russia (2019); Istanbul, Turkey (2020); Washington, USA (2022).
For many years Sabirova D.A. is: a member of the jury of the city Olympiad for schoolchildren in Russian language and literature and the Republican competition of school scientific projects; member of the editorial board of the journal "Bulletin of KazNPU"; member of RUMS specialties 5B011800 - Russian language and literature (2019); National expert of IAAR, 2018; Member of the dissertation council of KazNPU, 2021.
Dina Scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Talented young scientists - 2017" dated November 28, 2017 No. 599. He has the Medal "25th Anniversary of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan". He has the title of "Best Teacher-2021" and the scholarship holder of the "Bolashak" program, project manager.