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Abayeva Galiya Askerbekovna

  ABAYEVA GALIYA ASKERBEKOVNA, has a degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences (2007), specialty 13.00.03 - Correctional pedagogy, as well as higher education in the specialty Defectology (tiflopedagogy), Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. Herzen (St. Petersburg, 1992).

She is the author of 9 textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including for blind students, students with intellectual disabilities; author of a number of educational, teaching aids for students; model curricula of primary basic and general secondary education for students with disabilities (2017-2021).

Published 3 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, 14 articles in journals KKSON MES RK, published 1 monograph.

He is the director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Member of the working group under the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the development of the Draft Law "On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on inclusive education" (2020). Participated as an executor in the project "Inclusive Education Online Course (IEOC)" (2021, grant from the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan); “Selection and evaluation of educational innovations and conducting a pedagogical experiment (2021, GF KazNPU named after Abai together with the Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia). Head of the intra-university project of KazNPU named after Abay "Designing a virtual laboratory within the framework of a developing educational environment" (2022).

He has extensive experience in participating in local coordination of joint international educational and research projects, organizing conferences, forums, seminars, master classes, trainings and training courses. Expert of dual higher pedagogical education in Kazakhstan.

+7 (707) 350-55-30
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