AKPAEVA ASEL BAKIROVNA has a Ph.D. in Pedagogy (2001) in the field of "13.00.02 - Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education", an academic title - Associate Professor in Pedagogy (2005), as well as higher education in Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education (1991). ), psychology (2007). Author of more than 200 scientific papers in various scientific journals in Kazakhstan and abroad, including the monograph Methods of formation of mathematical concepts in primary school students. Almaty: 2023, 160с.h-2(Scopus) .Scopus Author ID: 57188666090; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4675-3177; Researcher ID Web of Science: ABB-5694-2020. Works at the Department of Primary Education of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (AbaiUniversity). She has experience in projects: “Development of content for distance learning as the basis for modernizing the teaching of methodological disciplines for the specialty of PMPE” (grant funding from KazNPU named after Abay under contract No. 47 dated March 01, 2014 - project manager); "Development of innovative technologies of education and their introduction into the pedagogical process of small-scale schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the on-line mode" (2011-2014) and "Scientific-pedagogical and methodological foundations for providing mechanisms for the implementation of innovative technologies for small-scale primary schools (MKNSh) of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the preparation of teaching staff (bachelors of the specialty 5B010200 - PMNO) ”(2012), senior researcher (funded by the MONRK); "Selection and evaluation of educational innovations and conducting a pedagogical experiment" - grant funding of KazNPU named after Abai together with the Higher School of Economics (Moscow, RF). 2021 - senior researcher. She is also a permanent member of: the team of authors of educational and methodological complexes in mathematics for elementary school and pre-school training of the Almatykitapbaspasy publishing house (from 2002 to the present); editorial board of the journal "Pedagogical Almnakh" of the University. Kirll and Methodius Veliko Tarnovo (Bogaria) 2015-2021 https://journals.uni-vt.bg/almanac/bul/rk.aspx; program committees of international conferences PSPU (Perm), MSPU (Moscow) 2018-2022; jury of international and republican competitions in the field of education. Expert of the National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise, developer and expert of the National Center for State Standards of Education and Testing. Developer of GOSO and programs of secondary education of NAO named after Attynsarin (National Academy of Education). She has experience in developing and locally coordinating a pilot program for dual education of the educational program 6B01303 - Primary education with information and communication technologies. Work performed in the project: organization of conferences, seminars, master classes, trainings and training courses, communication with the partner of the dual program to launch and support the pilot dual program, development of contracts and industrial training programs, support for the accreditation of dual programs, expert of the dual education system in Kazakhstan.