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Kantarbaeva Venera Moldagalievna

Kantarbaeva Venera Moldagalievna

Republic of Kazakhstan

Telefone +77076578834



Education: higher, engineer in transport Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after. M. Tynyshpaeva

Faculty: Organization of transport transportation

Work place:  from 1997 to the present - Electrotechnical College

Position: head of industrial and technological department


- Organization and direct management of the educational work of the department.

- Monitoring the implementation of the curriculum and program.

- Organization of conducting and analysis of students' progress

- preparation of measures to ensure high academic performance of the department. Self-training supervision.

- Control over the discipline of students of the department, consideration, together with a public organization, of violations of discipline, daily routine and internal regulations by students, submission (if necessary) of proposals to the deputy director for academic work. control over the work of curators of study groups, group assets.

- Implementation of control over the quality of teaching the discipline, holding consultations and additional classes, registration of educational and accounting documentation.

- Organization and implementation of control over the design and sanitary condition of educational premises and dormitory rooms in which students of the department live.

- Control over keeping records of the work of curators of groups, classrooms and laboratories, holding consultations and additional classes, etc.

- Solving personal issues of teachers, teaching support staff and students of the department, and, if necessary, submitting proposals to the deputy director of educational work.

- Solving the issues of settlement and eviction from the hostel (together with educators) with the following approval by the Deputy Director for Educational and Career Guidance.

- Preparation of materials for meetings, pedagogical councils and meetings of the educational part of the commission, reports on the work of the department.- Осуществление связи с родителями студентов отделения.

- Organization of admission to the department and career guidance.


08.02.2019 All-Russian competition “Methodological guide on the subject “Organization of cargo and commercial work”, Moscow, registration number No. 34856.

08.02.2019  All-Russian competition, Moscow Development of a lesson on the subject "Organization of the movement of trains in railway transport" registration number No. 46074

2018 All-Russian competition, Moscow Development of a lesson on the subject "Organization of the movement of trains in railway transport" registration number No. 46074

27.12.2019  Publication of the teacher on the topic "Test tasks in the discipline" Rolling stock "reg. number No. 37590.

07.01.20 Republican pedagogical website "Ustaz tilegi" "Analysis of loading planning and its provision in an automated control system" registration number No. s 995-180245

07.01.20 Республиканский педагогический сайт «Үстаз тілегі» сертификат тема «Эффективные презентации в учебном процессе» рег.номер №  s 995-180248

07.01.20 Republican pedagogical website "Ustaz telegi" certificate topic "Efficiency of new technologies in teaching special disciplines" registration number No. s 995-180249

07.01.20 Republican pedagogical website "Ustaz tilegi" certificate topic "Train kozgalysyn uyimdastyru" registration number s 995-180247

14.03.20 international scientific and pedagogical journal diploma in the nomination "Shygarmashyl ​​ustaz"

Work experience in projects

•          Implementation of the Zhas Maman project for TVE organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, aimed at updating the material and technical base and increasing the prestige of working professions. Within the framework of the project, Competence Centers were created on the basis of 180 colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan

•          Since 2016 participation in the championship of working professions WorldSkills on the republican and international level

•          Participation "Implementation of dual system in Kazakhstan/KAZDUAL"project, development of a curriculum for the specialty "Power supply (by industry)".



Responsibilities within the KAZDUAL project:

  • participation in meetings to discuss the progress of the project;
  • participation in the implementation of the tasks set by the project;
  • participation in the preparation of project reports;
  • participation in the implementation of the tasks and goals of the project;
  • development of an educational program.
+7 (707) 350-55-30
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