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Currently, in the Republic of Kazakhstan there are new opportunities for the introduction of advanced technologies and strategies

Currently, in the Republic of Kazakhstan there are new opportunities for the introduction of advanced technologies and strategies to improve the professional training of specialists. One of these strategies is the introduction of dual system of education in Kazakhstan.

Since 2021, under the program ERASMUS + Capacity Building of Higher Education launched a project KAZDUAL - "Implementing Dual System in Kazakhstan" (project registration number - EU 618835-EPP-1-2020-1-KZ-EPPPKA2-CBHE-SP). The project is aimed at the development of a dual system of education and the most effective cooperation between universities, colleges and companies, covering several regions of the country.

Analysis of the situation and the results of studies conducted in Kazakhstan has shown that in the country the dual model of training is quite actively used in the system of technical and vocational education, but in universities so far dual training is introduced on a spotty basis and in the form of elements of dual training. In addition, there are problems in Kazakhstan in forecasting the demand for specialists and analyzing the needs of various regions in training future specialists.

Despite the positive experience of Kazakh colleges of universities that implement dual training, in the republic there are such barriers for its effective implementation as low interest of employers in the development of partnership; problems of employment of college graduates due to limited vacancies at the enterprises; lack of large enterprises in some regions, which limits the development of dual training.

 The study to assess the employers' readiness to participate in dual training programs revealed their sufficient interest in cooperation with universities and colleges in this format, but at the same time showed the lack of enterprises interested in dual education.

To improve the effectiveness of the dual system in Kazakhstan it is necessary to improve the regulatory and legal framework, to develop guidelines for the implementation of dual education, to determine the procedures of accreditation of dual higher and vocational education programs, to introduce different models of dual education.

The flexible model of dual higher and vocational education created in the KAZDUAL project will ensure the maximum efficiency of cooperation between universities, colleges and companies in Kazakhstan and will help to solve the identified contradictions and give an additional impetus to the development of dual education in Kazakhstan in various sectors and regions of the country, in this regard, the results of the KAZDUAL project should be generalized and widely disseminated in the country and abroad.

Dual education is recognized in the world educational space as one of the effective mechanisms to achieve integration of theory and practice of professional education. A distinctive feature of dual education is equal partnership and equal responsibility in training specialists and employers as customers, universities, and the state. Strengthening the focus of all interested subjects of dual education on formation of in-demand professional competences of future specialists through increasing practical training under production/organizational educational conditions is the key link in solving urgent problems of improving the quality of professional training of highly qualified personnel.

+7 (707) 350-55-30
© 2025 «This project is funded with the support of the european commission. The content of this publication / material is the responsibility of the author and does not reflect the views of the european commission. The commission cannot be held responsible for the use of the information it contains»